In the passport index data published by Henley Partners to determine the strength of passports around the world, the number of countries where passport holders can travel without a visa is measured and freedom of travel around the world is evaluated.
According to the Passport Index list published by Henley Partners, the six countries that offer visa-free travel to the most countries topped the list, with France, Germany, Italy and Spain joining Singapore and Japan, which have been in first place in this category for five years, with visa-free access to 194 countries.
Citizens of these countries can visit many countries around the world without a visa, enjoying a wide freedom of movement, while Finland, Sweden and South Korea ranked second on the list. The United States fell to sixth place, one of the lowest ranks in its history, while a US passport allows visa-free entry to 189 countries. It is noteworthy that 23 of the top 30 passports in the Passport Index list are from Europe and the United Kingdom, while three passports come from Asia and two each from North America and Oceania.
With visa-free access to 118 countries, Turkey ranks 54th on the list of the world's most powerful passports, with Russia ranked 119 countries, Georgia ranked 52nd, Georgia ranked 121 countries, and Moldova ranked 51st, offering visa free access to 122 countries.
While the Henley Partners Passport Index compares the strength of passports around the world by measuring the freedom of travel of its citizens, this data is also considered as a reflection of diplomatic relations between countries and international travel policies.