While the tourism sector, which was hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak, started to recover, the number of nights spent in tourist facilities such as hotels and hostels in EU countries in 2022 approached the pre-pandemic level. In Turkey, this number exceeded the pre-epidemic period and reached 242.5 million.
According to the data for 2022, the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation facilities in Turkey was 61.3 percent, while the countries with the highest number of nights spent in tourist accommodation facilities according to the data for 2022 were Spain with 451.6 million and France with 449.8 million. Italy with 412 million and Germany with 400.4 million, while Turkey ranks fifth with 242.5 million. Other countries with over 100 million overnight stays were Greece with 132.7 million, the Netherlands with 128.8 million and Austria with 115.1 million.
The profile of tourists staying in touristic facilities varies greatly from country to country. Malta with 91.9 percent, Croatia with 91.4 percent and Cyprus with 90.8 percent are the countries with the highest proportion of foreigners in the number of nights spent in touristic accommodation facilities, while this rate is high in countries offering sea holidays in the Mediterranean and Aegean. In Greece, the foreigner rate is 84 percent, in Portugal 64.4 percent and in Turkey 61.3 percent. Spain is right behind Turkey with 60.1 percent.
When the number of hotel nights spent in touristic accommodation facilities is analyzed, the country with the lowest rate of foreign tourists is Germany with 16.9 percent, while this rate is 27.9 percent in France, one of the important countries of tourism in Europe.
Turkey, which has been on a great rise in the total number of nights spent in touristic accommodation facilities, became the country where 2022 records were broken between 2014 and 2022. The number of nights stayed, which was 130 million in 2014, reached 242.5 million in 2022. While the proportion of foreign tourists in the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation facilities in Turkey has been on a downward trend in the last 10 years, while the proportion of foreigners was 75 percent in 2014, it was 62.9 percent in 2019 before the pandemic. In 2020, this rate decreased to 42.1 percent with the effect of the pandemic, while it was 61.3 percent in 2022.